Blog Intro

Hello Everyone!
I'm Renee. A new mom to a beautiful baby boy. We were introduced to baby wearing by my amazing Cousin Carrie when my baby was 2 weeks old. Since and I spent most of my free time following some of my favorite baby wearing brands. I decided to start a blog about it because well 1. It is a way to continue my obsession and feel like I'm impacting as well and 2. Because there are so many "Drops" and news with each brand that this can be a place for baby wearing parents to get updates without spending as much time finding out what is going on.

As of today, to start, I am following (obsessed) with Sakura Bloom, WildBird, Vienna Springs, Aura Leaf and Poppet. I check in regularly with Provers31Heart, True North, Tula, Aloha and Light, Ergo Baby and LilleBaby. If you have any brands you would like me to keep an eye on let me know!

A big question I wonder is "Why are we so addicted to baby wearing?" I love the convenience, the feel of wearing my baby, the snuggles, the colors, the fabric, the support, the style, the adrenaline of the drops, the communities of baby wearers, all of it! Well maybe except the price, but you pay for quality amirite? With all of that I have sustained my addiction for about 4mos now. I like to call it "falling down the rabbit hole" and if you have found this blog then my guess you are also well down that rabbit hole with me.

So welcome addicts and wear your babies!



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