
Poppet Slings: is offering 20% off everything’s by for 3 days (8/9-8/11) with code “collabwithme”

Sakura Bloom: Announced their Fall Theory line! It will drop Friday at 20am PST

Vienna Springs: Super crazy but I won the Grove sling!! I was entry 607 and she had a program randomly select. I feel so lucky and excited! I can’t believe I won!! I’ll post pix when she’s in!

WildBird: some questions about the sale came through. It looks like the Discounts will be 10-50% and a little of everything will be offered (except nena)

That’s all I got! I can’t believe I won a giveaway, and a giveaway of a beautiful green dupioni sling! Let me know if you bought any carriers today!


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