
WildBird: Announced they will be releasing more details about what will be on sale and how much of a Discount Wednesday’s 9am MDT, 2hrs prior to the sale at 11am MDT. Also another sneak on WB IG story??! Am I seeing a floral!? I can’t tell. Also a chocolates brown maybe a chambray? Check it out!

True North: Their Summer stock sale is Apparently set for Friday although I havnt seen an official post about it. Also their fall drop is set for 8/31. I’m kinda new to this brand but totally interested in a thrills shoulder!

Poppet Slings: I received a 10% off promo code “SmallShopWelcome10” good thru 8/31 I thought I’d share. They also announced yesterday they are donating to @directrelief this month to help with the fires.

Ring Sling Rentals went up to 45 members today! I can’t wait to see everyone’s stash!

Feel free to comment if I missed something or if you want to share what your looking to buy during these summer sales!


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